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UDEL brothers studios
Robert Blake Trial Reportage
February 2005 - March 2005
Van Nuys Courthouse

Blake chats with council as the jury begins its final week of deliberation.

A rainy day for Robert Blake as umbrella wielding lawyers escort their client to court.

Defendant Blake in a moment of light-hearted revelry with attorneys leading the way for him.

The winds of March blew warm during the trial’s latter weeks as Robert Blake seems to appreciate a moment in the sun.

Conferring with lead council (M. Gerald Schwartzbach) outside Van Nuys Court House; the two are rarely apart from Blake’s arrival.

A swelling press corps and defense team shares the stage with Blake during his exoneration speech.

Robert Blake, (center), enjoys the splendor of his victory amid throngs of camera and press.

The actor, in deep thought, strolls from the forbidding glass and concrete courthouse with his brilliant attorney, M. Gerald Schwartzbach, just behind him.

Cloudy and suddenly cold the ides of February followed a solemn defendant as he arrived to a day’s court proceedings.

A deep mask of exhaustion and joy embrace Robert Blake’s face as he nearly faints while standing for the press conference, a short time after his innocent verdict was declared.
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